Constitution & Bylaws
The MCUCSA constitution and bylaws are updated every other year.
Article I. Name
The name of the Association shall be the Minnesota College and University Career Services Association (MCUCSA).
Article II. Definitions
In this Constitution unless the context indicates the contrary:
Collegiate Unit - A member or a group of career development professionals that represent a specific college or institution. When voting, often one member of a collegiate unit is called to cast a vote. For example, Bemidji State University is a collegiate unit casting one vote. In this same instance, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities has several collegiate units representing each college within the institution allowing for several votes.
Quorum - The minimum number of members of an assembly that must be present to make a vote valid. Fifty percent (50%) of the eligible collegiate units of MCUCSA shall constitute a quorum at meetings.
Amendment - The process of amending the Constitution by parliamentary procedure; a change to a document.
Bylaws - Rules adopted by an organization in order to regulate its own affairs and the behavior of its members.
Business-related - A decision or vote that is made with only procedural and not monetary implications.
Good Standing - Collegiate units and/or members will be deemed in “good standing” if membership requirements are fulfilled as stated in the Constitution, dues and additional fees are paid on time, and they abide by the Constitution and Bylaws.
Career Development Professional - A staff member who is employed in the career development profession within higher education. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), professional staff members must have the requisite qualifications and competencies to perform effectively in their defined roles with students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and employers. A career development professional does not include students at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Article III. Mission
MCUCSA exists to foster the professional development of our members for the benefit of our students and alumni. By working collaboratively, we strive to leverage our expertise to become change agents and resource providers in the career development field.
Article IV. Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of MCUCSA shall be to enhance and promote the concept of career planning and employment services as an integral part of the higher educational process.
To achieve this purpose, MCUCSA will:
Section 1a. Foster collaboration among career development professionals in the nonprofit, four-year colleges and universities in Minnesota.
Section 1b. Encourage research relative to career and professional development, benchmarking, and other matters relevant to career planning and employment services.
Section 1c. Develop and share information and best practices of higher education career centers.
Section 1d. Promote professional standards among career development professionals and offices.
Section 1e. Promote efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and professionalism of higher education career centers.
Section 1f. Provide opportunities for career development professionals to grow personally and professionally to prepare them for the future.
Section 1g. Collaborate across educational systems to promote career-related opportunities to students and/or alumni.
Article V. Membership
Section 1. The privilege of membership in MCUCSA shall be extended to career development professionals from nonprofit, four-year colleges and universities in Minnesota.
Section 2. The privilege of membership in MCUCSA shall also be extended to graduate and professional school career personnel, in decentralized career office systems, when there is an affiliated MCUCSA member.
Section 3. The privilege of membership in MCUCSA shall be extended to members and/or collegiate units in good standing.
Section 4. For conducting MCUCSA business each collegiate unit, as represented by an individual career office, shall have one vote.
Section 5. MCUCSA is committed to promoting equal education and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, socioeconomic status, marital status, amnesty, or status as a covered veteran in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws.
Article VI. Officers
Section 1. The officers shall be a past president, a president, a president elect, a secretary, and a treasurer.
Section 2. The president, president elect, and past president shall serve one-year terms consecutively, beginning as president elect, then president, and finally past president. The secretary and treasurer shall be elected for staggered two-year terms for a maximum of two consecutive terms. The secretary also serves as a liaison and member of the Membership Committee. Officers shall be elected by a vote of the collegiate units at the summer meeting and shall hold office until their successors have been elected.
Section 3. In case the office of president becomes vacant, the president elect shall assume that office for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 4. In the absence of the president, the duties of the office shall be performed by the president elect.
Section 5. When an office, other than president, is left vacant for any cause, the president, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall make the appointment to fill that office until the next summer meeting when an election will take place to fill the position for the remainder of the vacated term.
Section 6. At the MCUCSA summer meeting, the outgoing president shall be recognized for successful completion of the presidential term.
Article VII. Executive Board
Section 1. The officers named above and the two members-at-large elected from the membership shall constitute the membership of the Executive Board.
Section 2. The two members-at-large shall be appointed by their respective committees for staggered two-year terms at a maximum of two consecutive terms at the same time as other elections are held at the summer meeting of MCUCSA. One member-at-large shall serve as a liaison to and member of the Professional Development Committee, and one as a liaison to and member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. If a member-at-large position is left vacant for any cause, the president, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall make the appointment to fill the position until the next summer meeting when an election will take place to fill the position for the remainder of the vacated term.
Section 3. The president of MCUCSA shall chair the Executive Board.
Section 4. A simple majority of voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum to conduct MCUCSA business.
Section 5. The Executive Board shall be responsible for transacting the business of MCUCSA not reserved to the general membership under the Constitution.
Section 6. An archivist and a parliamentarian shall each be appointed by the Executive Board and shall attend Executive Board meetings as needed.
Article VIII. Programming and Business Meetings
Section 1. There shall be a minimum of three professional development programs per year, with additional programs as determined by the Executive Board.
Section 2. There shall be a summer business meeting in May or June, a fall business meeting, a spring business meeting, and other business meetings as determined by the Executive Board.
Section 3. Fees for programming (if any) shall be paid before the programming meeting date in order to constitute good standing.
Section 4. MCUCSA members may invite non-member faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students from their institutions to attend programming meetings on a space available basis at a rate set by the Executive Board.
Article IX. Amendments
Section 1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be presented in writing to the Executive Board for review.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall send out proposed amendments for review to the membership. Amendments may be discussed and voted on at a business meeting or via an online vote, as needed.
Section 3: If voting is to take place at a meeting, amendments will be sent to membership a minimum of two weeks in advance and each collegiate unit shall have a single vote. If voting online, each collegiate unit shall submit a single vote, and membership shall have 14 days to submit their discussion and/or votes. In the event that an online vote cannot be completed, amendments will be discussed at the next business meeting.
Section 4. If adopted by a two-thirds majority, the amendment shall become effective immediately unless an alternative date is determined.
Section 5. A designee of the Executive Board shall send the updated Constitution to each collegiate unit within thirty days following the business meeting.
Amended July 2014
Amended June 2017
Amended June 2019
Amended June 2020
Amended November 2020
Amended June 2021
Amended June 2022
Article I. Dues
Section 1. Annual membership dues shall be eighty-five ($85) dollars per collegiate unit, including one member, with twenty-five ($25) dollars required for each additional member, OR a one hundred and seventy-five ($175) dollar institutional membership. The institutional membership covers any or all members from the collegiate unit. If an institution has multiple collegiate units, such as the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, the institutional membership shall only cover members from each individual collegiate unit.
Section 2. Annual membership dues shall be received prior to August 31 in order to constitute good standing.
Section 3. The fiscal year of MCUCSA shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall be responsible for reviewing the MCUCSA membership dues during every even-numbered year.
Article II. Election of Officers
Section 1. A nominating committee, comprised of the president, president elect, and past president, shall nominate candidates for office. The president of MCUCSA shall serve as Chair of the nominating committee. Whenever possible, there should be equal representation of board members from the Minnesota private colleges, University of Minnesota system, and Minnesota State system with the president role rotated between the three systems.
Section 2. The slate of nominated candidates from the nominating committee shall be presented to the membership in advance of the summer meeting.
Section 3. The elections shall be held at the summer meeting with nominations also taken from the floor.
Section 4. Voting shall be by secret ballot, if more than one person is running for the position.
Article III. Voting
Section 1. Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote on the basis of one vote per collegiate unit. In the case of collegiate units with more than one individual, the voting privilege shall be exercised by the senior career officer or designee.
Section 2. Fifty percent (50%) of the eligible collegiate units of MCUCSA shall constitute a quorum at meetings.
Section 3. Business-related votes with no funding implications to collegiate units and/or MCUCSA shall require a simple majority to pass.
Section 4. Votes with financial implications for collegiate units and/or MCUCSA shall require a two-thirds majority to pass. If adopted by a two-thirds majority in favor of monetary contribution from a collegiate unit, each collegiate unit shall be required to contribute the defined monetary amount in the specified time frame to constitute good standing.
Article IV. Awards
Section 1. Awards may be given at the MCUCSA summer meeting in recognition of members and committees who have served the organization in ways above and beyond. The awards are granted on a very selective basis and are not necessarily awarded every year. A recognition for years of membership in MCUCSA may also be given at the MCUCSA summer meeting.
Section 2. The Awards Committee is responsible for soliciting the membership for nominations for the awards. The nominations shall be presented to the Executive Board for confirmation. The Awards Committee is comprised of 3 members representing Minnesota private colleges, University of Minnesota system, and Minnesota State system.
Section 3. On a yearly basis, the Awards Committee shall determine, with the approval of the executive committee, which awards shall be granted. Awards may be granted to honor distinguished service, extraordinary contributions to MCUCSA or the field, and in other circumstances as deemed appropriate by the Awards Committee and Executive Board.
Article V. Amendments to the Bylaws
Section 1. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be presented in writing to the Executive Board for review.
Section 2. The Secretary shall send out the proposed amendments for review by the membership. Amendments may be discussed and voted on at a business meeting or via an online vote, as needed.
Section 3. If voting is to take place at a meeting, amendments will be sent to membership a minimum of two weeks in advance and each collegiate unit shall have a single vote. If voting online, each collegiate unit shall submit a single vote, and membership shall have 14 days to submit their votes. In the event that an online vote cannot be completed, amendments will be discussed at the next business meeting.
Section 4. If adopted by a two-thirds majority, the amendment shall become effective immediately unless an alternative date is determined.
Section 5. A designee of the Executive Board shall send the updated Bylaws to each collegiate unit within thirty days following the vote.
Article VI. MCUCSA Constitution and Bylaws Review Process
Section 1. A Committee shall be formed to review the MCUCSA Constitution and Bylaws every five years during academic years ending in 0 and 5 (ex. 2019-2020) to be voted upon at the summer meeting of that year.
Section 2. The Committee shall recommend changes to the MCUCSA Executive Board.
Section 3. The MCUCSA Executive Board shall provide feedback on the Committee’s recommendations.
Section 4. The MCUCSA Executive Board shall provide all changes to the membership for discussion.
Section 5. All changes to the MCUCSA Constitution and Bylaws shall adhere to the processes and timelines outlined within those documents.
Article VII. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of MCUCSA, the assets of MCUCSA shall be distributed only to such organizations that enjoy exemption under Section 501 ©(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Amended June 2013
Amended June 2017
Amended June 2019
Amended June 2020
Amended November 2020
Amended June 2022